BiosysFoodEng 2016 - Join us in Budapest for the 1st International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering
Dear Colleagues, Department of Physics and Control and Department of Food Engineering of Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science with collaboration of Agro- and Biosystems Engineering Research Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences warmly invite you to participate in the 1st International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering in Budapest, Hungary to be held on 8th of December, 2016.
The topics of the conference are the novelties and new scientific applications in food science and technology focusing on food engineering and food physics. We warmly welcome your participation and we are looking forward to see you in Budapest!
Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. Günter Esper - University of Applied Science, Fulda, Germany
- Prof. Dr. József Felföldi - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Lajos Helyes – Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Zuzana Hlavacova - Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Slovakia
- Prof. Dr. Gábor Keszthelyi-Szabó - University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Process Engineering, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Frencesco Marra - University of Salerno, Department of Industrial Engineering, Salerno, Italy
- Prof. Dr. Massimo Poletto – University of Salerno, Department of Industrial Engineering, Salerno, Italy
- Prof. Dr. István Szabó - Szent István University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Gyula Vatai - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. habil. Manuela Zude - Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), Potsdam, Germany
Organizing Committee
- Dr. László Baranyai - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. József Felföldi - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Gábor Keszthelyi-Szabó - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, President of the Agro- and Biosystems Engineering Research Committee
- Dr. Edit Márki - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Gyula Vatai - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Dr. Tamás Zsom - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Dr. Viktória Zsom-Muha - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary (Secretary)
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